Let's BeginDR. JOSHUA L. LEVINE, MD, FACSDr. Joshua L. Levine, an esteemed surgeon specializing in natural tissue breast reconstruction, is renowned worldwide from his base in New York City. Having successfully performed nearly 2,000 procedures, he is a true pioneer in the field. His reputation, built upon exceptional surgical outcomes and visionary expertise, solidifies his position as a driving force in advancing surgical techniques.
Prominent call to actions include patient inquiry forms, educational calls, office contact information, and Center location.This homepage immediately lets visitors know Dr. Levine is the Director of the Center for Breast Reconstruction, as well as a world-renowned pioneer surgeon.Homepage
Women arrive at Dr. Levine's website while doing research to make surgical decisions considered complex and challenging. These pages allow them easily to navigate Dr. Levine's offerings and patient results.Procedures & Gallery
Dr. Levine's patient inquiry forms are designed to provide a place for the potential patient in share their unique case, as well as support the staff in their consultations and administrative organization.Custom Intake Forms
Butterflies are distributed worldwide except Antarctica, totalling some 18,500 species. Many butterflies, such as the painted lady, monarch, and several danaine migrate for long distances. Butterflies navigate using a time-compensated sun compass. They can see polarized light and therefore orient even in cloudy conditions.Butterfly