
“Notice the very slight indentation down the face of each side of the Great Pyramid at Giza, Egypt — the only one of the Seven Wonders of the World that remains largely intact.

This indentation has been measured to be 1.76 degrees, which is enough to transform the energy from the toxic Vertical Negative Green to the life-giving energy that sustains, balances, harmonizes, and heals.”

The Negative Green Energy Band with Dr. Robert J. Gilbert


Differentiate between vertical wave and horizontal wave.

Vertical Wave – The most destructive – shortest, most penetrating, and most harmful. This is an energy wave that we must transmute. We are exposed to much more of it today than we used to be through EMF, and the way EMF are piggy-backing on earth’s energy lines.

The French were fascinated by this discovery. They found the Neg Green Band could penetrate through thicknesses of lead, that couldn’t be penetrated with x-rays.

They began testing what things had Green Energy – vertical or horizontal – they would then identify how many times in ancient world (egyptians, chinese, easter island) applied the NG for specific intentions.

They found that NG is a carrier wave. It can go straight through solid matter, sending any other vibrational quality along it. The NG becomes a carrier wave to send it wherever you want it to go.

Similar to a concept of a carrier wave of modern radio communication. AM/FM radio have a carrier wave sending the information of the person’s voice or the music, that you’re tuning into w the crystal in the radio.

NG fields can send energy and information from one place to another place.

This was discovered through the work of Chamarat and Debedizale.

To test the entire energy spectrum, these two scientists, had the complete 12 bands of the spectrum. So they figured out ways to use one tool to detect all 12 different bands, and differentiate in each band, whether detecting the vertical or horizontal wave.

The one we use today and reference in BioGeometry is the Virtual Cone Pendulum.

Different geometric forms resonate with different levels of creation – plains of nature.

The Ibrahim Karim Universal Pendulum – combines shapes of multiple different plain levels.

By using the correct geometric form, the ancient Egyptians realized they could create a direct energetic exchange with an antenna, based on the sacred geometry. Sacred geometry became an antenna to resonate with a particular higher plain.

Example – Human being is emotional body and emotional function, and referred to as an outer plane in Western tradition- the astral plane – coming from a root aster (meaning star, meaning source of light), and the forms that connect to that are a hemisphere or a pyramid.

When they use the form of a pyramid. What pyramid power actually is, is the negative green ray, identified by the french. A penetrating carrier ray. Both a hemisphere and a pyramid create that negative green emanation.

The shape itself acts like an antenna, for the astral plane:

The shape itself acts like an antenna, for the astral plane. And that’s why, they knew further, that by modifying the shape on the pyramid – by making a slight indentation on the 4 sides of the pyramid (you have to see from air to see it) what it did was change the resonance from the pyramid of the general astral plane, to resonate with the higher astral. And when you do that, it cleans up the energy being projected by the pyramid.

The geometries, act like antennas, to resonate with higher planes of creation. As a secondary affect, they’ll emanate through the shape-caused wave, a vibration, that is the result of that particular connection.

They worked not just w negative green rays, but also with sub-bands, or sub-energies, inside the general band.

Placement of King’s Chamber:

So the placement of the king’s chamber, is not in the exact middle – that’s to get a particular carrier wave, the negative green band, that’s a sweet spot, to connect to that person through a carrier wave, to higher dimensional levels. Hence, why they used that spot for initiation rituals.

BG3 Quality – Harmonizing Energy Effects:

Two different pendulums to detect this. Horizontal Wave / Vertical Wave – Create different biological effects. Two different pendulums to be able to detect it – you can design things that have a strong vibration to them, or that naturally have this energy.

So, it would have a strong concentration of BG3 – The BG3 quality is the term we use in BioGeometry to refer to the harmonizing energy effect, which is found throughout power spots worldwide and at the center of all shapes in nature. BG3 is the harmonizing principle in the natural forming process.

You can tell a true spot from a false one, if it has a concentration of BG3. Similar to acupuncture spots or chakra spots.

What it actually does it it restores a natural balance and resonance. The feeling of disease, is we are no longer in resonance with the higher source, supposed to be supporting the body. You have to restore that connection.

Other Notes I Jotted Down:

Heart BG Signature – Affects on vitality and consciousness.

Sinus Node – Natural pace maker of the body, was also understood as the place higher vibrational forces resonate in the human body, and restore our connection.

Harmonizing Electromagnetic Fields – Dr. Karim said he did this in an entire city in 2003 in Sweeden.

The Humberg Emitter – You can target distant forces of electromagnetic forces.

Outdoor Stand – Used in earth itself to balance and harmonize the energies in the earth.

Balancing Brain Hemispheres – once aspect has to do with a terroidal flow of energy. Whenever you start working in a body of work and they are talking about a taurus structure or vortex patterns pay attention – bc they are core energetic patterns.

So if you can open it up, get energy to move through the center, so now the center and the periphery that connects to the entire vibrational spectrum, are constantly circulating together. Connecting to unified source going through channel, going out to world on perimeter, and now you have a sphere that has a perfect energy circulation.

Hyperbola – hourglass. In the form of this in the center.

Two hyperbola – in a human energy field, it goes through central axis of the body (spiritual axis) and then there’s a time-space axis that goes through horizontal axis of body. So a bulge appears on one of these, bc when the independent being perceives through space-time it creates an expansion outward.

The Pillars of Wisdom

Without the bulge, it resonates strongly w the right-brain hemisphere and intuitive perception

With bulge – grounds things into physical reality and the rational faculties into the left brain.

So he came up with a way to tune any person’s brain hemispheres, to specific vibratory states. If you activate the person’s visual cortex in their brain and properly tune it in with this tool, what you can then do is fill it with the BG3 unified source vibration, and anything the person looks at, will harmonize with the BG3. They’ll become a harmonizing force from their eyes. They’d do this in the Egyptian temples.

Earth Energy Grids – connected to the entire vibrational energy matrix of the earth.

Human beings are anchored into space-time through these structure of toroidal fields. And that is the foundation of all the chakras in the human body.

We materialize from the higher planes, through structures of this kind. Which are replicated micro-cosmically through the human body.

Multiple Gates you Pass Through as said through Egyptian tradition about the underworld, these gates exist within the center of the toroidal movements. These are all based on same template – in our own energy field or great dimensional structures. It’s the same pattern.

This means that our brain structure and ability to perceive higher spiritual realities, are a resonance between the structures that affect our brain hemispheres, and that same structure at a higher level of space time. And the movement through these dimensional gates.

Initiation of being able to travel through the gates – The Egyptian book of the dead, – the name in Egyptian actually is more like, “The Book of Emerging Forth Into the Light” – talking about passing through all these gates in the after life that lead to all these different attainments and experiences.

NDE – the tunnel is the interior of the torus. Death is the walk across the initiation bridge, in the movement between the right brain perception and the left brain perception. When you get to the center, the crossing point, becomes the corpus colosum, and the way we interact wi the BG3 energy in the center.

The pulse of time in the human body – your heart is connected to a higher source that creates the pulse of the heart. Once it gets off that rhythm problems can happen. This is connected to the weighing of the heart. Based on restoring the correct pulsation of time, within the human body, connecting to the lungs and heart, but also beyond the lungs and heart.

So pronouncing correctly the name of this center (MA A ED) it has the affect of harmonizing the time-pulse inside the person’s energy field.